It is important to note that the fact that a product has been succesfully notified
through the CPNP does not necessarily mean that the product in question fulfills
all the requirements of the Regulation (EC) N° 1223/2009 of the European
Parliament and of the Council on cosmetic products.

Cosmetic product notification portal. CPNP

  CPNP is the free of charge online notification system created for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on cosmetic products. 


  It is important to note that the fact that a product has been successfully notified through CPNP does not necessarily mean that the product in question fulfills all the requirements of the Regulation (EC) N° 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on cosmetic


  Article 13 of Regulation (EC) N° 1223/2009 lists the information that the responsible persons and, under certain circumstances, the distributors of cosmetic products shall notify through CPNP about the products they place or make available on the European market.


CPNP makes some of this information available electronically to the Competent Authorities (for the purposes of market surveillance, market analysis, evaluation and consumer information) and to the Poison Centres, or similar bodies established by Member States (for the purposes of medical treatment).


The use of CPNP is mandatory since 11 July 2013.Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 (Article 13) requires that, prior to placing cosmetic
products in the EU market, the responsible persons and, under certain circumstances, the distributors of cosmetic products submit some information about these products through the CPNP. 


The following countries are belonging to the CPNP of the European Union: BE Belgium , FI Finland IE Ireland , RE Reacute union , BG Bulgaria , FR France , IS Iceland, RO Romania , CY Cyprus , PT Portugal , IT Italy , SE Sweden , CZ Czech Republic ,GF French Guiana ,LI Liechtenstein , SI Slovenia DE Germany, GI Gibraltar ,LT Lithuania , SK Slovakia ,DK Denmark ,GP Guadeloupe, LU Luxembourg XI United Kingdom In Respect Of Northern Ireland , PL Poland ,EE Estonia , GR Greece , LV Latvia, YT Mayotte , ES Spain , HR Croatia , MQ Martinique , AT Austria ,NL Netherlands , HU Hungary , MT Malta ,NO Norway .

Source: CPNP Portal 2022.11.24

CPNP is Free for our RP Customers Let's Talk

Frequently asked questions

  • I want to sell a cosmetic product to Eu?  Just CPNP is enough?
    No! Selling to Eu you need ; Responsible Person ; PIF File ; CPSR and CPNP
  • I am Eu Company; Do I need a Responsible Person?
    You can be an RP yourself, but you have to have the technical documentation done.
  • I am Eu Company but I cannot do CPNP or Other technical work.
    We can do it for you. We can define your company from our CPNP screen and make the records for you.
  • Is CPNP mandatory?
    Yes, it is obligatory; with CPNP, you can sell your products inside the European Union.
  • How much does it cost to register CPNP?
    We do not charge our customers for CPNP registration.


If you have any questions about CPNP please feel free to ask


  1. CPNP User's Manuel For Responsible Person and Distributors 